On this page of this website I want to introduce you to
Eastern Woodland American Traditional Native People
and why the names Mohegan and Pequot cannot be used
in any sentence with the word casino in it.
The way life was before first contact, the way life is now
after first contact and the way life would
be if our people were left alone.
Just because we the traditional long for life as it should be,
does not mean that we wish to still hunt, fish and farm
on foot with makeshift clothing and weapons.
We find no reason why all of the peoples on Mother Earth
would not get along without taking and never giving.
Yes, it is true that that we believe that everything belongs to Creator
and that Creator allows us to borrow, that is why you will always find
that no traditional will ever keep anything except family.
If our ancestors were alive today they would enjoy everything science
can provide and I know that many of them would be prod to join in through schooling.
I will introduce you to Creator and why we believe that creator is neither man or woman,
Just what is a Traditional American Native
person Sachems
and why there is said to be no living Sachems and of course why this is not true,
Chiefs and a real chiefs position in a traditional American Native tribe,
Clan mothers, Clan Grandmothers, Grandfathers and their position with our people,
Medicine men Medicine Women and the real reason why you should never know
who they are, Uncasvillage, Turtle hill, Turtle Island, Spirituality, Uncas,
Shamans, Warlocks, Witches and why there was none and still should not be any
in our traditional way of life, Casinos and why we the traditional will never
own or join one.
Science and why I know that our ancestors believed and used science.
Aquine and why we use the word even now,
the word Aquai and why we also still use this word.