Mohican/Pequot/Mohegans first Village.

Woodland Burials

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Please forgive me on this because the following information

 is taken from their website.

This website seems to be having problems with its Email & Guestbook.

I feel that their information is extremely important and should not be going away.

I agree with this page however, I take no credit for writing it.

Sachem Walkingfox

I have tried to contact The NAWBS


everything still comes up ERROR!



The Leesburg Area Democrats ~~~~~~~~There is a real need to bring back the Traditional American Native Burial Prayer as performed before first contact!~~~~~~~


The true Traditional American native people around

Uncasvillage New England were crossed

 ( sent to be with the ancestors and Creator).

From a time long before Sachem Unkas ( Uncas), Oweneco, Attawanhood,

Ben Uncas, Mamohet, Mahachemo, Momauguin, Ansantawae, Tontonimo,

Shaumpishuh, Sunk squaw sachem, Montowese, Ackenach, Pethus,

Ahamo, Nassahegon, Cassisinamon, Wequash, Weraumaug, Catoonam

up until my father Sachem Zeak American Native people were lovingly

prayer on their trip home, please do not let this sacred tradition pass away.










The NAWBS is a grass-roots volunteer network comprising of individuals from all vocations, religious beliefs, and areas of the continent, who have the desire to further the dignified and loving practice of natural woodland burials.

Natural burials are common in many “third world” countries.  Private organizations, churches, and the government in the U.K. are the world leaders among industrial nations in the ecologically sound woodland burial movement.

The U.S. Civil War resulted in a disastrous change of burial practices, laws, and an increasing stranglehold over burials brought by the commercial funeral industry.   As a result of these changes the American society has become a victim of an uncaring system.  In addition, those of religious beliefs such as Judaism and Islam who have specific burial requirements  are often discriminated against by unnecessary laws and regulations.

The Society supports the rights of individuals to choose the method of burial for either themselves or their loved ones.  The movement towards natural (“green”, “woodland”, “D.I.Y.”) burials is growing as people realize the personal, environmental, and economical benefits that are realized.  It is the aim of the newly formed Society to provide a source of information and help in this process. 

To be able to accomplish the aims and goals of the Society, we invite an open membership of anyone interested in "woodland" burials.  The amount of involvement a member may wish to participate in one or more activities is up to each member.  

Some of the major areas the Society can provide concentrated activisms in are:

a.  provide information to the public and media on natural burials.

b.  to inform local and state government authorities and elected officials about natural burials, and work to change any laws or regulations that may prevent citizens from exercising their choice of burial method. 

c.  to provide a referral point in each state for those seeking accurate information on natural burials. 

d.  to support and encourage the development and manufacture in the U.S. of burial products that are ecologically sound.  This includes such items as shrouds, bio-degradable caskets, and similar items.

e. to provide a medium of contact and cooperation with funeral directors and other businesses involved in the funeral commerce. 

f.  to work towards helping establish natural burial reserves in all states, and establish a supportive working relationship with existing ones. 

g. to work with local churches and religious leaders to gain support for natural burials and woodland burial reserves.

h. to work, and provide coordination, with "end-of-life" palliative care organizations to extend end of life care onto the dignified "last rites" of a natural burial. 





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