Pet friendly page.
On my pet friendly page I am writing about my experience with
places like
Red Roof Inn, Motel 6, motels in Key West, pet friendly parks,
safe places to groom you pets, and stores like Home Depot, Lowes,
True Value,Wal*Mart, with Veterans discounts and allowing your
into their store. Helping pet lovers fined interesting things
for pets.
How stores in Florida compare with other states like in New
as for pricing ,deliveries and customer service.
How each store, motel, beach and park treat our Veterans?
Real pets page.
This is a story about how I became introduced to
Airedales after meeting Luke & Zoe.
Sabrina page.
This is a heart wrenching story about our baby and
what I believe my lack of information from all three
Veterinarians we put Sabrina's life into hoping to keep
her well only to find out that all they want is our money
and on to their next victim!
Also with this we found so many good people that worked
so hard helping us through this.
Places to go with your
pets page.
This is a growing list of places to eat that love to see your
Pet friendly Restaurants like Moes south west grill, JJ Fins,
and Pizza Amore.
The good the bad and
the ugly truth about Veterinarians page.